Monday, September 2, 2013

Meals thus far

Warning: Boring post ahead. This is just for me to keep track.

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Whole30, and by the end, I was ready to cut a bitch for some Diet Pepsi and a sandwich. Phew. One down, 29 to go.

Brunch: An omelet at Canele in Atwater Park. I ordered it with long-cooked greens, onions, and mushrooms, but got onions, mushrooms, and goat cheese. I picked the goat cheese out as best I could. There were some roasted potatoes and an arugula salad on the side.

Snacks: About 4 cups watermelon, shared with the kiddo, 1/2 cup mixed roasted salted nuts, some blueberries, and one apple.

Dinner: a 5oz grilled strip steak, 1/2 of 1 mashed sweet potato with a little butter and salt, and some broccoli roasted with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 1.5 cups frozen grapes for dessert.

Today, so far:
Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled in 1 tsp coconut oil with 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 cup fresh spinach, and 1/4 ripe avocado, with 1.5 cups blueberries on the side.

Lunch will probably be a salad with veggies, nuts, chicken, and balsalmic vinaigrette. I've got some pork chops to grill for dinner with applesauce and sauteed Swiss chard.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Farewell to Arms (and Thighs, and Arse, and Stomach...)

So. Hi there.You're looking lovely today. Did you do something different with your hair?

(I never know how to start these things. It always ends up sounding like awkward party small talk, or a creepy uncle leering at you at a family reunion.)

I'm Janet. I'm 30, I live in LA with my husband of nearly 8 years, D, our 22 month-old daughter, M, and two evil cats. All cats are evil, it's just a fact. Anyways. I love reading, anything sci-fi - especially Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, Harry Dresden books, that sort of thing - hanging out with my friends and family, and eating. Which is what got me into this mess in the first place. A mess of about 280 pounds, give or take.

I could blame my genetically slow metabolism, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases [Fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome], or depression. I could blame the fact that I eat when I'm stressed, bored, tired, happy, or sad. I could blame the fact that I've never really liked exercise and can pretty much always find an excuse to NOT go work out. I could blame the fact that I hate living in Los Angeles and claim it's a feminist protest to be fat in a city of sculpted, plastic women.

Really, there are a ton of things I could blame this on and pretend it's not my fault *whinnnnnne*.

At the end of the day, I'm very, very overweight. According to the BMI charts, I ought to weigh about half of what I do. Losing half your body weight is a daunting idea. Hell, I'd be happy just to see the scale tip at less than 200 pounds again, a number I haven't seen since high school.

I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of being tired all the time, getting sick all the time because my immune system is so overloaded with sugar and gluten and dairy and caffeine and my laziness. The last straw pretty much came this summer, when I got sick FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES within about 2.5 months.

Starting on Sunday, September 1st, I'm doing a hard reset on my system and doing the Whole30. No dairy. No soy. No grains or legumes. No sugar (except fruit). I drank my last can of Diet Pepsi this morning and have switched to unsweetened black iced tea, ending a long-term relationship with soda that I've had since I was 15 - I like coffee, but it makes me sick to my stomach so I always drank pop instead.

I'm starting this blog to document my Whole30 journey and all the changes I'm making in my lifestyle. I'm not setting out to be the next big blogging sensation, just to keep myself accountable and maybe make some new friends along the way.

Join me?